Would you eat your old sportswear?
The clothing industry is said to be the second-largest environmental polluter in the world. Houdini Sportswear is trying to make a difference in the textile industry. All their clothes are 100% recyclable.
We decided to put Houdini Sportswear’s 100% natural wool line to the ultimate test by biodegrading them. Once they turned into soil, renowned Swedish chef Sebastian Thuresson cooked a fine dining menu using vegetables grown from the soil of our decomposed base layers.
Closing the loop for real. Bon appétit!
Long Story Short
Decomposed old sportswear into soil.
Cooked it.
We grew mushrooms and vegetables from the soil.
Served to our recycling customers.
New collections came with a new washing label explaining how to care for, compost, grow and eat them.
The soil was used as a give-away with the new biodegradable collections.